Full Circle Church of Cannabis

Principles of Revelationism

The Basics of Revelationism

Revelationism is a unique faith, honoring each member’s individual spiritual journey. It recognizes that religious leaders in the church, known as Spirit Menders, are no closer to the creator or divinity than any member of the church. Spirit Menders are simply church members who have progressed in their own spiritual journeys and are recognized by the church to provide support and guidance to other members who seek it. The faith is organized around core principles that members live their lives by and believe will reveal the truth, as well as raise the vibration of the planet and the people on it. 

Full Circle Church welcomes members of all religions, faiths, and backgrounds. For example, a person can be a Revelationist Christian, Revelationist Muslim, Revelationist Buddhist, Revelationist Jew, or Revelationist Hindu.  Revelationism does not seek to replace the faith that a person already has but rather to build on that faith and provide members a comfortable place for belonging based on love and connection through common experiences, music, and activities. 

Revelationist Core Principles: 

Principle Number 1: Love Yourself 

How we feel about ourselves has a huge impact on how we treat others and interact with the world. We are born loving ourselves, other people, and the world around us. But then most of us are bombarded with negative messages about ourselves from the time we are little. It is easy to internalize those messages and begin to lose the natural love we have for ourselves and others as a result. True happiness stems from accepting ourselves the way we are, flaws and all, and loving ourselves. The rest of these core principles flow from this basic premise – when I believe I deserve to be loved and treated right I will work to do the same to others and the planet. 

Principle Number 2: Spread love 

Love, for oneself, others, and all living creatures, is the natural state of humanity. When people live in a state of love and gratitude, it raises the energetic vibration of the person and everyone and everything that person touches. Love lifts people up and spreads light. Modern society has caused people to stray from love, especially self-love, which causes darkness to spread. Living a life of love is an important aspect of any Revelationists spiritual journey.  

Principle Number 3: Golden Rule 

Be empathetic and practice empathy! Live by the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This principle is part of almost all spiritual and religious practices. Including Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism, just to name a few.   

Principle Number 4: Service to the Community 

Revelationists recognize that our actions affect fellow human beings and that service to others is an important part of any spiritual journey. The Full Circle Church is dedicated to serving its members and the surrounding community in ways that uplift and nourish the mind, bodies, and spirits of the community. These acts of service are done not for monetary reward but to raise the vibration of the people the church touches and to help create a reality based in love, kindness, and spiritual enlightenment.  

Principle Number 5: Live the reality you want to see in the world. 

Because we are all connected through the creative energy that flows through us, our actions influence everyone and everything around us. The energetic butterfly effect is real. When you treat someone with kindness, it not only impacts that person but everyone that person interacts with on that day. When your vibration is high, it raises the vibration of the people you meet. Living a life of intention to make the world a loving, kind, happy, place will help manifest that reality – not just for yourself but for those around you as well. 

Principle Number 6: Live a life of Kindness and Respect 

Revelationists respect all living beings and treat them accordingly. Most importantly, they respect themselves. Once a person respects himself, he will treat others with respect. Kindness is contagious and flows from the respect one has for oneself and others. When a person truly lives by the Golden Rule, kindness and respect for oneself, and others, naturally follows. 

Principle Number 7: Live a life full of gratitude 

The earth is bountiful with beauty and abundance that surround us. Waking up every morning feeling grateful and expressing that gratitude, helps create the positive, loving reality we all want to see in the world. The more grateful you are for what you have, the more you will be blessed with abundance and the more uplifting the reality you live in will become. Gratitude is essential for spiritual awakenings and journeys and is an essential principle of Revelationism. 

Principle Number 8: Forgive Yourself and Others 

Forgiveness is an important part of happiness and keeping your vibration high. Forgiving ourselves and people in our lives or in our past is essential to feeling gratitude and love. If we dwell on things that happened in the past, it is not possible to be living in the present or living the reality we wish to create in the world. The failure to forgive, especially ourselves, can get us stuck in the past and prevent us from learning, growing, and living our best lives. 

Principle Number 9: Hold Yourself Accountable 

Everyone is responsible for the choices they make and the impact their choices have on other people and the planet. Many people in modern society feel they are victims and don’t take responsibility for their actions. No one can control the situations they find themselves in, but everyone can control their reaction to the situation and the actions they take as a result. We all do things we regret and we all make mistakes. Taking ownership of all our actions and practicing forgiveness, kindness, love and gratitude is part of living by the Golden Rule and seeking spiritual enlightenment. 

Principle Number 10: Your body is a temple 

Raising one’s vibration and finding the path to enlightenment is difficult when one isn’t mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally well. Modern society has many aspects that contribute to ill health, which leads to disconnectedness and spiritual malaise. Treat your body like a temple -eat real, healthy organic food with plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink clean good water, breath fresh air, and connect to nature to provide your temple with the energy it needs for its spiritual work.  Your spirit is a product of everything you take into your body and mind. From the music you listen to and the company you keep, to the screen you stare at and the people with whom you surround yourself. Sugar literally feeds cancer and your diet (everything you put in your body and mind) affects your ability to think, your energy, and your mood. Treat your body and mind like the temples they are and only nourish them with things that uplift and enlighten you. 

Principle Number 11: Reconnect with nature 

Modern society has caused many people to become completely disconnected from the natural bounty that our creator has provided to us. Most people have no connection with the food they eat and spend most of their time indoors, in artificial environments, breathing artificial air and seeing the world through artificial light. Get outside, soak in the sun, breathe the clean air, and feel the earth beneath your feet. Growing your own fruits and vegetables, raising animals, planting an herb garden, grounding to the earth, taking a walk, meditating outside, or restoring the natural beauty of your surroundings will elevate your mood, improve your physical health, restore your connection to nature, and aid in your spiritual journey for understanding and revelation. 

Principle Number 12: Set aside time for your spiritual journey daily 

Feeding and nourishing your spirit is as important for happiness and health as feeding your body. Modern life often doesn’t provide much time for being still, being alone, and reflecting. Your mind is constantly being bombarded with text messages, phone calls, emails, social media, and television programming. This leaves very little time for reflecting and advancing your spiritual journey. Be sure to set time aside each day to reflect on the abundance of nature and your connection to it. Disconnect from the artificial world that technology creates and reconnect to the natural world that is all around you. Affirm your gratitude, love, respect, and kindness that flows from love of the creator on a daily basis. 

Principle Number 13: Divinity is everywhere and in everything 

All living beings, plants, and animals are connected by energy that flows through us. Divinity is abundant in each of us and in nature – from the small mountain stream to the largest ocean and the smallest sapling to the century old oak tree. Each person will connect with God in his or her own way and that connection will be revealed uniquely to each person. As such, there is no divine law, no unquestionable doctrine, and no organizational structure that place authority of one member over another. Revelationists are bound together by a flower and other parts of nature given to us by the creator that has positively influenced our lives, our connections to the earth and each other, and impacted our spiritual growth. 

Principle Number 14: Cannabis and other plant medicine is our sacrament 

Like all plants and living things, cannabis is a gift from the creator. Our bodies were designed to partake of and experience the benefits of cannabis through the endocannabinoid system, meaning cells in our body are hardwired to accept the nutrients from the cannabis plant. 

The endocannabinoid system helps regulate our health. Cannabis opens the users mind and elevates their consciousness. The use of cannabis aids people in their journey for connection and revelation of the truth. 

Cannabis has been used as a healing plant throughout history across cultures. Stories of cannabis curing physical, mental, and spiritual illness can be found in religious and historical texts from the earliest writings. Cannabis has been used ceremonially to create bonds and mutual understanding between people, resolving conflicts and creating peace for centuries.  Revelationists celebrate this gift from the creator and incorporate it into their spiritual journey. 

“Free the Plant, Weed the People”
