What We Do

About Us

The Full Circle Church of Cannabis celebrates the earth and the interconnectedness of man, nature, and the universe. All living beings, plants, and animals are connected by energy that flows through us. Modern society, with its emphasis on technology and material things, discourages people from connecting with the creative force that unites humans with each other and the planet, which has led us to become disconnected from nature and disconnected from each other.  Humans need connection and the Full Circle Church of Cannabis offers a congregation to guide people in their journey toward spiritual connectedness, revelation of the truth, and ascension of consciousness.

Members of the Full Circle Church, known as Revelationists, employ ritualistic use of cannabis with other plant medicines to create unity in the mind, body, and spirit, raise their consciousness, and reveal the true meaning of being. Every person’s spiritual journey proceeds along a different path. Revelationists seek to reconnect to the earth, nature, and fellow humans to elevate their vibration and the consciousness of the planet.  The foundations of Revelationism are love, compassion, and the search for connection and truth.

Many people have turned away from organized religion because it has been used to divide us from one another and from the divine instead of creating unity, connection, and spreading love. It has led to a lack of meaning, connection, and a turning away from God. Divinity and God are all around us in everything in the universe, on earth, and inside of each of us. The Full Circle Church provides the space and environment to reconnect to the creator through meditation, plant medicine, natural experiences with plants and animals, growing food, and connecting to fellow human beings proceeding along their own spiritual journeys. Revelationists believe that each person connects directly with God and creates their own relationship with what is revealed to them when they seek that connection. Using natural tools the creator gave us, including the sacrament of cannabis, to help facilitate that connection is an integral part of revelationists spiritual practice. Spiritual leaders in the church, called Spirit Menders, are available to help guide members in their journey.

Full Circle Church welcomes members of all religions, faiths, and backgrounds. It does not seek to replace the faith that a person already has but rather to build on that faith and create a congregation for belonging based on love and connection through common experiences, music, and activities.     

Our Mission

Full Circle Church was established to provide members with a congregation dedicated to spiritual revelation and enlightenment through love, respect, nature as teacher as well as medicine, along with connecting us to the universe and our fellow human beings. The mission of the church it to provide a contemporary, non-judgmental, informal faith for people searching for a place to belong based in love, hope, and elevation of vibration.

History of Full Circle Church of Cannabis

The Full Circle Church of Cannabis was founded in April of 2022 after our founders recognized that many people turned away from organized religion in the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. People have lost faith in religious leaders and institutions because they have been used to divide us from one another and the divine instead of creating unity, connection, and spreading love. People have also rejected being judged and controlled by institutions that preach love and kindness but practice fear and shame. Our founders saw the need for a new approach to connecting to our creator and each other – a non-judgmental faith based in love, kindness, and gratitude. A small group of founders and founding members have been holding informal services since April of 2022.